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Lisa Haydon's ultimate summer guide!

Lisa Haydon has perfected an easy-going, carefree, bohemian vibe-and it’s infectious! It may have something to do with the fact that she’s currently taking a break from work and relaxing in Goa with her fiancé, music mogul, Karan Bhojwani. Either way, I’m left with a sense of camaraderie with this water-loving, Havaianasobsessed (she owns dozens!), tongue-in-cheek girl, as we erupt into fits of giggles discussing everything summerworthy- from must-visit vacay spots, summer flings and boys, to fashion finds, beauty faves, and how she maintains that flawless, Amazonian body (lucky girl, she eats whatever she wants!) “My whole life has been an ode to escaping normality,” confesses Lisa, and you’ve got to admit she’s done a pretty good job of being extraordinary!

Her Summer Wardrobe Essentials
"You always need flats for summer. You can get different colours and styles to match everything. Sure, stilettos are fun, but who wants all that baggage when it’s so hot? I’m absolutely in love with Havaianas’ flip flops right now-they’re a definite must-have in any girl’s summer closet. My favourite is a pair of Flamingo pink ones-the colour looks fabulous on Indian skin tones! Then there’s swimwear, of course. I’ve been wearing bikinis and swimsuits by Zimmermann-they’ve got fabulous pieces. Also, I can’t live without my Helen Kaminski hat-it has an opening on the top to stick my ponytail through; it’s so convenient and totally durable! For jewellery, I’m a fan of this label called A Peace Treaty-I recently bought a pair of African hoop earrings that are rad! Lately, I’ve been obsessed with hair accessories and, found the coolest stuff at Divo. Oh, and never forget the long sling handbag!"

Her Summer Beauty kit
"I like to keep things organic when it comes to beauty products. I don’t use much make-up. It’s best to keep things light and airy. I’m a big fan of zinc sunscreens- they give you all the protection without the chemicals. For moisturising, I like the Forest Essentials Sanjeevani Beauty Elixir Cream, it’s got a water-based formula, so it’s super light and blends easily. I don’t leave home without the Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Cream Skin Protection-an all-purpose balm that I love for my lips. I usually finish off my beauty routine with a Bobbi Brown under-eye cream, Chanel blush, and Clinique mascara."

Her Favourite Summer Getaways
"My favourite beachy vacation spots include Bali, Goa, Ibiza and Tel Aviv. You’ve got to check out the local markets in Tel Aviv—I’ve done some amazing jewellery shopping there! My fiancé and I recently spent a couple of weeks driving through Byron Bay and Mulumbimbi in Australia, stopping off at beaches to go swimming and snorkeling. It was just one of those relaxing, but adventurous holidays."

Her top travel tips
"Always pack light. For a week, I’ll carry one bag containing a sarong, a few swimsuits, lace and denim shorts, and lots of backless tops. Sass & Bide does these really cool statement bikinis, I call them ‘back jewellery’, and they look fabulous with backless tops. I always carry a small, long-chained bag to hold my essentials at the beach. I hate lugging around a big tote. Sunglasses are a must! I carry two pairs; one that I rough around when in the water, and another, nicer pair that I’ll wear for lunch or shopping. Another tip: before you make any reservations, check out, it has real reviews and pictures from travellers, so you can’t get fooled by the glorified images some resorts showcase. Always carry a good pair of exercise shoes and clothes. For me, vacations are really all about exercising and waking up in the morning for a run or a swim."

On getting that perfect summer body
"You know, I work out really hard to look the way I do-I even ran a marathon! My workout routine consists of sprints, squats and lunges. I’m all about low-impact cardio like swimming, so it’s more about building power and muscle than about losing weight. I’m in Goa right now, and I’ve been working out every day. I eat whatever I want. Though the trick here is to avoid junk food completely. For example, If I’m going to eat chocolate, I make sure it’s the best quality chocolate like Lindt. Also, I eat large portions so I’m never hungry or craving anything between meals. The biggest tip for body confidence I can give is to just exercise. It gives me energy and confidence. I just swam 100 laps, and it helped me focus and put my mind in a good place. I also practice this old Ayurvedic healing technique every morning. Basically, just keep doing things that make you feel fabulous about yourself."

On summer love
"I remember when I was growing up in Australia, summer was that time of the year when everyone would just take off their clothes and go down to the beach, ready to find some summer love (laughs)! I mean, you don’t really care about winter flings. Summer gives you that fun-filled, easygoing feeling, and you want to fall in love and be completely blissful. Incidentally, I met my fiancé in November, and we actually went to Goa in December and that’s where we fell in love. So, our romance has pretty much been all about the beaches and fabulous vacations, even though technically, it wasn’t in the summer!"


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