Priyanka Chopra, who is playing the role of Olympic champ Mary Kom in her next, is training hard to fit in the character. According to recent reports, the actress wants to install a punching bag near her home, but not inside it as she does not want to spoil the interiors of her house.
Priyanka Chopra and her family owns few flats in Raj Classic located at Versove. She wants to install a punching bag at the premises of the society, but it seems that her neighbours are not too happy with the decision. Talking about it, a source told a leading daily, "She owns quite a few flats in the building. It appears that she does not want to tamper with the ceiling in any of her homes in the building." The source further added, "As she is busy with her commitments, her father Ashok Chopra has been coordinating with the society folks to install it on the ground floor of the premises." Well PeeCee, instead of your training, we would like you to focus more on your acting!
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